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    2. 安徽電氣集團股份有限公司


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      電話: +86-550-7309278
      傳真: +86-550-7309288
      手機: +86-13905505237
      E-mail: 13905505237@163.com
      地址: 安徽省天長市經濟開發區天汊路128號
      QQ: 641289349
      QQ: 641289349

      產品展示 > 架空絕緣電纜 > > 三芯ABC電纜
      產品名稱 : 三芯ABC電纜
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      To supply power from the utility's lines to the consumer's weatherhead. For service at 600 volts or less (phase to phase) at a conductor temperature of 75°C maximum for polyethylene Insulation or 90°C maximum for crosslinked insulation.

      Concentric strand or compressed 1350-H19 conductor, polyethylene or crosslinked polyethylene insulation, concentric strand AAC  or ACSR or AAAC neutral messenger.


    3. B-230 Aluminum Wire 1350-H19 for Electrical Purposes
    4. B-231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded
    5. B-232 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded, Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
    6. B-399 Concentric-Lay-Stranded 6201-T81 Aluminum Alloy Conductors
    7. B-498 Zinc-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR).
    8. Triplex Service Drop cable meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/ICEA body S-76-474
    10. Code Word:
    11. AAC Neutral-Messenger: Patella Oyster Clam Murex Purpura Nassa Melita Portunus Nannynose
    12. ACSR NEUTRAL-MESSENGER: Paludina Voluta Whelk Periwinkle Conch Neritina Cenia Runcina Triton Mursia Zuzara Limpet
    13. 6201 ALLOY NEUTRAL-MESSENGER: Minex Hippa Prawn Barnacle Shrimp Gammarus Leda Dungenese Cyclops Flustra Lepas

    14. 相關產品:
      AL USE-2/RHH/RHW-2
      AL USE-2/RHH/RHW-2
      600 Volt Underground XLPE 90°C Service and Secondary Cable
      600 Volt Underground XLPE 90°C Service and Secondary Cable
      Single Conductor 600 V Secondary Type UD Cable Aluminum Conductor
      Single Conductor 600 V Secondary Type UD Cable Aluminum Conductor